
Posts Tagged ‘Entrepreneurship’

Hiring Tips for “Do It All” Small Business Owners

Wednesday, June 23rd, 2010

employeescreeningblog.comEntrepreneurs are accustomed to “doing it all.” Their work styles make them self-starters, hard drivers and hard workers. One result is that sometimes, entrepreneurs are unable to let go. They believe the idea that if they don’t perform every task, it won’t get done properly—or at all.

However, this approach is not healthy for either the entrepreneur or the business. Hiring a “second in command” person is not always seen as priority for “I can do it all” business owners—but it is something they should absolutely consider.

This high-level employee can be invaluable to busy business owners, enabling them to focus on larger projects like strategic planning, or emergency problems requiring the owner’s full attention. They can also literally save their lives, by reducing the stress, lack of sleep, and poor health habits that plague most workaholic control junkies.

Hiring a second can save a business, too. What if the owner is the sole information of vital company information? How long would it take the business to recover if something happens to him or her? What about the employees, vendors, and customers who depend on the company—what happens to them if the business owner becomes ill, suffers an accident, or dies unexpectedly?

Not letting go of control is just too risky—for most every business. And while “I must do it all” entrepreneurs might think they’re the only ones capable of handling the details of running their businesses, chances are they lack a number of skills. After all, nobody can truly “do it all.”

Besides, when objectively analyzed, most day-to-day operations can easily be handled by a qualified executive-level hire. It’s best to recruit a second-in-command with skills the business owner lacks; a complementary work style is beneficial, too.

So if you’re a business owner who thinks you’re the only one who can do it all, think again. The job market is full of super-qualified people who could give you your life back—and make your business more productive, efficient, and successful.

Because this is such a crucial position, due diligence is a must when hiring a second-in-command. Check references, and run a thorough employee background screening to be sure you’re hiring someone you can really trust.