
Archive for January, 2009

Screen Applicants Before Interview

Saturday, January 24th, 2009

You can reduce the amount of time spent interviewing job applicants with a good screening process for applications or resumes.  Hopefully you’ve already developed a clear, concise list of prioritized criteria and qualifications for the position.

  • Compare that list with the applications and resumes.  A printed checklist is handy to make sure you don’t overlook any key piece of the puzzle.
  • After selecting the applicants that are a good fit with the position, the next step is to further screen those for the salary requirements that match what you are willing to pay.  This may require one additional step for telephone candidates to clarify questions about the resume or application and to determine that salary requirement (depending on the type of job and whether the salary is negotiable).
  • Only then is it time to schedule interviews.

Recruiting New Employee Applicants

Tuesday, January 13th, 2009

A great way to fill new jobs is to promote from within. Current employees already know your company, and it’s great for employee morale to know there is room for growth. Encourage employees to apply for new positions, or to recommend others they know would be a benefit to your organization. You can choose to conduct the internal search prior to, or alongside, advertising externally that you are hiring. Use word-of-mouth in your industry, industry publications, traditional print media, website job posting services, and employment agencies to seek applicants. Other options, depending on your industry, might be to post the position on professional association websites and at university career centers. You’ll soon have many qualified applications to review.

Are Employers Ever Required to Background Screen Employees?

Tuesday, January 6th, 2009

Depending on your business, there may be requirements in state or local laws and/or licensing that require screening of employees. This would most likely occur if you provide services to vulnerable populations (such as youth, the elderly, or disabled). You may also have contractual obligations imposed by your insurance carrier, or if you contract to use any facilities owned by your city or county government. Government facilities that serve vulnerable populations often have clauses in their contracts requiring screening of all personnel using the facility.